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Cleveland Party Strippers
Fun for all occasions

goal in life is to look like a slutty version of Barbie! My
Specialty is Bachelor Parties! I Travel to most areas,
Port Clinton is my favorite! I have few girlfriends who I
work with! I love meeting new people and making friends.
We are
an established local Cleveland stripper agency offering QUALITY
PARTY STRIPPERS! Call our FRIENDLY, HELPFUL office & you'll get
the #1 party u can possibly throw!
Cleveland Strippers /
Bachelor Party Strippers / Exotic Dancers / Topless Bartender /
Fantasy Football Draft / Super Bowl
Cleveland Price:
1 girl 1hr show $250
2 girl 1hr show $500
Tipping is a must! Shows are Mild 2 Wild Depending on Tippping!
Put In Bay ** - Sanduky -
Toledo - Port Clinton - Akron - Youngstown 1 Girl
$35 , 2 Girls $ 700 + Tips; Dances are not included. **
Strippers, Toledo Strippers, Sandusky Strippers, Youngstwon
Strippers, Cuyahoga
County Strippers , Geauga County Strippers, Lake County
Strippers, Lorain County Strippers, Medina County Strippers,
Portage County Strippers, Summit County Strippers
Port Clinton Strippers,
In Bay Strippers
We specialize in:
Bachelor Parties - Birthday Parties - Boat Parties - Golf Outings
- Poker Parties - Going Away Parties - Divorce Parties - Office
Parties - Retirement Parties - Guys Night Out - Frat Parties - Holiday
Parties - Sporting Eventsnts
We have the MOST CURRENT site in Cleveland
Ohio ...updated monthly with HOTT, YOUNG, LOCAL Ohio
Female Party Strippers & Ohio Exotic Dancers!
Lakewood, Cleveland Heights, Euclid, Eastlake,
Avon Lake, Bay Village Chardon, Shaker Heights, Garfield Heights,
Bedford, Chgrin Falls , Bainbridge, Northfield, Parma. Strongsville,
Bedford, Bedford Heights, Brook Park, Brooklyn, Brooklyn Heights,
Cleveland Heights, Cuyahoga Heights, East Cleveland, Euclid,
Fairview Park, Garfield Heights, Lakewood, Linndale, Maple Heights,
Newburgh Heights, Parma, Parma Heights, Shaker Heights, South
Euclid, University Heights, and Warrensville Heights Lorain,
Elyria, Medina , Akron, Canton, Wellington, Warren, Youngstown
Put-In-Bay, Camp Peary, Catawba Island, Cedar Point, Gem Beach,
Harbor Acres, Isle Saint George, Kelleys Island, Marblehead,
Middle Bass, Mineyahta-On-The-Bay, Peele Island, Port Clinton,
Put In Bay, Sandusky, Springbrook, Venice, Put-In-Bay, Ohio,
Jet Express, Ottawa County, and ALL Surrounding Areas!
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Wednesday, January 01, 2025
Ohio Strippers Cleveland Strippers,
Akron Strippers, Canton Strippers, Put In Bay Strippers, Youngstown
Strippers, Female
Strippers, Cleveland Female Exotic
Dancers, Bachelor Party Strippers. Cleveland has only One Local
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Metro areas.